Over whelmed

I got up this morning feeling very over whelmed. Not over any one thing just life in general. We have fewer kids at home now than we have had in over 10 years. Two leave for college this Thursday and that puts us at 6 kids at home. Half as many as what we are used to. So why do I feel over whelmed now?
Maybe its that I have also chosen to work child welfare. Over half my co-workers have quit in the last few weeks. Leaving a LOT of responsibilities on me. Some assigned and some self imposed.  Not only did a choose this life of foster/adoptive care but now it is with me 24/7. Who are all my friend? Other foster/adoptive families. What family member do I hang out with the one that does foster/adoptive care. Where do I volunteer Council on Adoptable Children of Texas. What do I do on facebook? I counted tonight and belong to over 30 foster/adoptive groups. What is my blog about? What support groups do I do ? Guess.
Maybe I need an intervention.
