New Year New Beginnings

This has been a busy year in the Rooks home A lot has changed over the last year. We finalized another adoption on Maya Rooks. We have had several of our grown children move in then out again then some back in. ( So blessed that they know they always have a safe place to go) We have met Bio families for three of our kids and support the decision for them to have ongoing relationships with those bio families.

We have had kids in and our of hospital (seems like all year) for different surgeries, then complications from those surgeries. We have had contact with lots of past foster children. We have welcomed several children to live with us this year while families were struggling.  (Hope we made a difference for those families).

I was blessed to travel to California with Hallie and Precious for the NACAC conference where Precious accepted her award Teen Advocate of the year.  I'm such a proud Mom.
Traveled to Washington with Matti for her to speak before congress. Traveled to Austin to DFPS state office to speak about the need for Peer to Peer support for adoptive families. Worked with NACAC on starting a Peer to Peer support. Met some amazing people.

I completed my degree at the age of 53. (Thought that would never happen). I was able to coach several adoptive families this year. Facilitated lots of support groups and did lots of parenting classes. Resigned as president of Council on Adoptable Children of Texas ( to take a position with DFPS)

Made a huge change at the end of the year by accepting a job at CPS. This has been a been a big eye opener for me and I take back any thing bad I may have ever thought or said about CPS case workers.

For the new year I am working on my Masters, hope to remodel my kitchen, force Tyran and Alexy to start some college classes , appreciate my husband more and all he does, get more organized, Pray more, love more.  
