Becoming Adults

Adopted children are not the typical teens in many ways. They have already lived a lot of life before 18 and often being an adult is not something they look forward to doing. After all they have had very little opportunity to be children. They have had to be the adult for so long that when they finally get to be the child it is something they hold on to with all of their might.

As most of you know we have adopted many teens. One of the things typical teens look forward to is getting a license. A lot of adopted teens resist taking drivers ed and getting a license. Several of my children have done this. For over a year we have talked to Precious about getting license and she keeps saying Im not ready.

Today I picked her up from work and took her straight to the DPS office to take her test. She was not happy with me. Complained and pouted all the way. (see before and after pictures below) She passed she just needed someone to have faith in her when she does not have faith in herself. One down two more grown children to go getting a license. Lexy and Charlie you are next....

BEFORE: and this is not her happy face. Telling me she was going to fail and it was all my fault because I was rushing her.

AFTER: Knew she could do it
