Leaving The Nest

Two more of my precious children moved out this weekend. This is always a difficult time for me. I lay in bed thinking did I remind them enough the importance of keeping doors locked. Will they make good choices? Did I teach them enough about safety, money management, associating with the right people, God? But they are best friends and will take care of each other. They moved in with my older son. I think it is amazing three adopted kids from three different backgrounds and families have formed this sibling bond as teenagers.

I wake up this morning to only 9 kids living at home. This is the least kids I have had home for the last ten years. The house seems empty. While I will not miss the teenage drama, the mood swings, the arguing. I will miss their laughter and craziness.

I try and look at the plus and minus of the situation:

Plus- no waiting for bathroom as someone is putting on makeup for an hour
Plus- no whining about each other and how annoying the other one is
Plus - No driving them everywhere
Plus - No long black hairs in shower

Minus - No authentic mexican food
Minus - No late night talks
Minus - No one to fix my computer/phone/Tv when I don't know what I am doing
Minus - No one baking cookies all the time

While it is a bitter sweet experience it also means that I have accomplished and survived 10 kids growing up and leaving the nest. The one thing that I have given them that they will carry with them everywhere they go is roots. Matti and Precious I miss you already.
