When I teach my parenting classes or do my parent life coaching with families, one of the things I warn parents about is that our kids from hard places do not do well with change. But yet when you are a foster/adoptive home there is constant change. Change from kids moving in and out again. Changes from getting accustomed to living with strangers and accepting them as your brothers and sisters. Changes of bedrooms due to personalities. Changes of beds due to fears and phobias. Not to mention the changes that these kids go through with constant changes of school, homes and case workers. So it is not an easy task for our kids.
Since we stopped doing foster care 6 months ago we have not had quite as many changes going on in our home. However last week two of our oldest moved into their own apartment. With that came another change. I moved two of my girls and took over a bedroom for my office YEAY. Good for me I finally have a place to keep everything in one place and shut a door to take phone calls when the kids are home. This was not such a good thing for the two girls. We have had many melt downs ( want to stress many melt downs not mini ) over the last few days. But one of the greatest things about our kids is there adaptability.