Some years back as we sat in an adoption informational meeting, we were given a little blue index card. On this card we were supposed to write everything that we wanted in a child. With excitement I quickly finished our assignment. After all we had talked and agreed on what WE wanted. We only had four requirements.
- boy
- age 2-6
- white
- no disabilities
God has quite the sense of humor. As we are working on adopting our 17th child. Female, 25 years old with disabilities. (not on our little blue index card) Because as we have learned through the last 16 children that it is not about what WE want. We changed from praying "God give me the perfect child for us" now that prayer is "God send us someone we can help" So every time God send us a child, or former foster child that needs a family. God has given us the desires of our heart. He has changed what the desires of our hearts are. Through that we have learned to love big. Love without conditions and live a crazy exciting life. At a time when most people our age is retiring and traveling in RV's. We are moving rooms around to take another child that needs a home. We are driving 15 miles to take a child that has been suspended, to their alternative school. Going to ARD meetings and doctor appointments, school plays and open houses, foot ball games and graduations.
Our little blue index card would now read. What ever God wants to bless us with.