Radio Show

Last week we did our first internet radio show Intentional Parenting. This all came about after I was a guest a few years ago on a radio show. We talked about Orphan Sunday and the need for adoptive and foster parents. I realized at that time this would be a great platform to reach foster and adoptive families that were struggling.
This idea was put on the back burner for a few years. I even talked to a couple of organizations about sponsoring my show. However they wanted to be in control of content and that was not what I had in mind. I wanted the content to be for the families. So after a local internet radio station opened near me recently I decided it was time.
Our first show was a little tough since I didn't know what I was doing. But thankfully I had help from
the station manager Pam Masters, and we got through it. My guests were Lori and Jim Word and we discussed failed adoptions and second chance adoptions. Jim and Lori have adopted 7 children that were all second chance adoptions. One of my children Lexi also stopped by to talk about what it is like being a child with a failed adoption and then having a second chance adoption.

We had difficulty and our call in number was not working properly. No one could call in but that has all been fixed. My next show Thursday the 10th our guest is Amy Long and we will talk about what it is like being the bio child in a foster adopt family. The challenges and joys of sharing your home and parents with others.

Future shows we will be talking about Child trafficking, international adoptions, adoption subsidy, special needs adoptions. We have some great guests scheduled and hope you will stop by to listen.
