Ventured into the kitchen for the first time in 5 days. Another not a good choice for me. While I appreciate my family making do while I was out of commission this week. I open up the fridge to every shelf has multiple containers wrapped in tin foil. (wondered why our reception was better at the house this week than usual)
We had had some wonderful friends and family drop off food for us this week. When the family put things away they obviously forgot where the tupperware lids are they found the bottoms but did not use the lids stored right next to them but used aluminum foil, Lots of aluminum foil.
Im not big on waste so I remade all the left overs into something else. Not I have three more casserole dinners in the freezer for this week. Washed a load of tupperware (bottoms only) Washed three loads of laundry.
The high light of my week was when my 8 year old came in and said that our 7 year old foster was cursing again. I was laying on the couch and called the accused in and asked him " are you cursing again?" at which he replies. "What the HELL I wasn't cursing"