I moved into my grandmas house in Amarillo Tx due to family and behavioral problems back in Colorado. I went into foster care November 23rd, 2009. My case was filed as child abandonment. I was never the "stay still" type. In fact I ran away from home & countless numbers of facilities. As a result I was placed in a residential treatment center in called Brookhaven Youth Ranch in Waco TX. I was remained there for 11 month. I got into an altercation with another youth and was sent to Bill Louge Juvenal Center with another charge on my record.
I was Eventually realesed 6 days later and sent to Dear "o" Godley Tx !! Where I then became apart of this beautiful Rooks family. It wasn't necessarily my Type of scenery. And never before had lived in a white family. Nor lived with 16 children! but This is Most definitely where my life changed for the Better! First off, I have never had a father figure in my life. Although authority was( has) always been a problem for me, it was different Mr. Deahl Rooks. Not only my dad but my biggest fan. For one he has been the only one I have ever referred to as Papps, and two there isnt another man on earth that I'd look up to. And as for Mom, she is the best. Loving, caring, and understanding. There's not a thing in this universe that I couldn't tell my mom about.
I joined the football team and was actually attending school for the first time in years. I exceled greatly in sports and academics. Junior year i was a stud and senior year a team captain . I made a few bad decisions and dropped out in the middle of the season. I went to workin and exploring the states lol. I moved to Oklahoma City with my Girlfriend Adriana Corona. My love. We fell in love and did everything together. We bought our first car. Got our first appartment. But best of all started our own family! We moved back to Texas where Payton Bri'elle Rooks made her Day view January 10th, 2014! I love this little girl and her momma with all my heart. We moved back home with the Rooks and I went back to school and graduated that year on 9/11😱. After that I pretty much started the employment life.
Me absolutely love this family. The love of the Rooks family never dies, it multiplies. And honestly theres no where else I'd rather be. Plus I love the cookies🍪